Book Review
When God Speaks
“When God speaks, His word is not for this and that time only; His word will accomplish all that it is intended to do…when God spoke to me, He spoke with numbers,” writes Kynaston M. Ramsey in When God Speaks: The Power of Numbers....
Book Review
Touched by Fire
“More and more it occurred to me that this strange coincidence between a father-and-son who’d never even known one another was the kind of story that makes history worth learning.” Frank Griffin, the narrator of "Touched by Fire",...
Book Review
Where the Sun Didn't Shine
“We are here because the Puerto Rican and black community asked for us. Well, they got what they asked for. We will make ourselves known loud and clear to the pushers. God help them, the PEP Squad has arrived.” Created in the late...
Book Review
In Our Lifetime...
“It wasn’t me giving her absolution, it was God. He moved my hand. I swear it! He made the words come out of my mouth.” Maureen, a rebellious nun who has left her order, believes she may have been chosen by God to act as a priest,...
Book Review
Sex and the Devil's Wager
“This book will hopefully persuade you that the hell-fire doctrine has done more to damage the mental health and sexual consciousness of humanity than any other belief or ideology.” English musician Charles Sayer Wilson, author of...
Book Review
Tracking Terra
Sara Alessa Giustino, the central character in J.K. Scott’s "Tracking Terra", tells David, possibly a former lover, what it’s like to be ageless: “My life’s purpose is to advance my consciousness. My longevity offers me a...
Book Review
The Unusual Diary of Dr. M
“In a few pages of my diary, I copied down some of those experiences as others told them to me … Then again, going back to my childhood, I had quite a few experiences which, as yet, have no rational explanation. When I heard strange...
Book Review
The Earth Gate
“Your past lives were for refinement. With one life you got close but did not master the incarnated Earth experiment, with the next you got closer, each life was a refinement to get you to where you are today.” Qan Rahn, a spirit of...