Book Review
The World is a Waiting Lover
When the Beloved beckons, as in the story of Krishna that opens this book-journey, the lover drops everything to respond. Moving into that embrace means stepping into what the author calls “the human yearning to live with fearless...
Book Review
The Spirituality of Gardening
While some may easily speak of gardening and spirituality in the same breath, far fewer will consider gardeners as the leading edge of resistance, or gardening as a political act. All these currents flow through this glorious compendium...
Book Review
Plumbing the depths of heartbreak and memory, the author explores the forbidden territories of obsession, death, destruction, and separation in this debut collection of three novellas. She dives into deep waters of myth and dream to...
Book Review
Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval
The healing traditions of indigenous peoples now embodied in shamanic practices don’t look a bit like what most skeptical Westerners expect “healing” to look like nowadays, with hospital visits, surgeries, and pills. But when (as...
Book Review
Being and Life
People who seem content and well adjusted in the social world, according to the author, are likely completely alienated from their true being, what he calls “realself.” Ontology, or the study of being, is hardly a household term, but...
Book Review
Z.B.A. (Zen of Business Administration)
How are Zen and business alike? Anyone who wonders how right livelihood and practical wisdom can play a role in today’s cutthroat business climate will find a resonant mentor and traveling companion in this author. He lived for a...
Book Review
Dreamways of the Iroquois
Suspend disbelief. What if past and future, healing and protection, soul, spirit, guides, and life purpose are available to anyone through dream travel? For linear rational thinkers, it may be a stretch, but the author brings urgent...
Book Review
Aqua Shock
Dive right into the water wars, where water is the new oil, a limited resource that’s critical to life on the planet. In "Aqua Shock", award-winning journalist Marks illuminates the multifaceted challenges and perspectives on water, or...