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  3. Bobbye Middendorf

Bobbye Middendorf, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

Almost Astronauts

by Bobbye Middendorf

In a society obsessed with hero worship, few were as idolized as the early astronauts. Going behind the façade of the space program, Stone, an award-winning young adult writer, explores the “true story of the ‘Mercury 13’... Read More

Book Review

Breakdown, Breakthrough

by Bobbye Middendorf

A study conducted by the author in partnership with the Esteemed Woman Foundation uncovered an epidemic of women feeling deeply disempowered and dissatisfied with their professional lives. Yes, these women appear to have all the... Read More

Book Review

Defenders of the Heart

by Bobbye Middendorf

What works as a protective strategy for children often turns into a block that constricts full satisfaction in adulthood, according to Kagan and Einbund, therapists practicing in Southern California. (Kagan has hosted her own radio and... Read More

Book Review

Do It For Less! Weddings

by Bobbye Middendorf

About 2.5 million weddings occur annually in the U.S., costing roughly $40 billion; wedding budgets often run as much as a new car or even a home down payment. To bring sanity back to wedding costs, Vivaldo, a Hollywood chef, caterer,... Read More

Book Review

Being Here

by Bobbye Middendorf

When Shya Kane stopped trying to improve himself, focusing instead on just “being here,” he entered a different realm. He also stopped trying to improve his wife, Ariel, and she followed his lead. Based on profound life shifts from... Read More

Book Review


by Bobbye Middendorf

Exploring the power of words to shape experiences in the world, Smith Warfield, an author, poet, attorney, mediator, mother, and grandmother, acknowledges, “There is only one rule: use your words in ways that serve yourself, others,... Read More

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