Book Review
Excuse Me, Your Job Is Waiting
The ultimate edge in a successful job search is energy—the swirl of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings surrounding people and situations. Long-time human resources professional and consultant Laura George, inspired by Lynn Grabhorn’s...
Book Review
Wake Up Inspired
While a yearning and search for meaning is not new, millions of hard-working achievers (especially women) are discovering that something is missing in their drive to succeed. As dissatisfaction reaches epic proportions among aging...
Book Review
There's Always Help; There's Always Hope
More than fifty million Americans suffer from mental illnesses—from depression to panic to eating disorders. Fear of stigmatization, shame, judgment, and misunderstanding cause many to avoid treatment. These fears, combined with horror...
Book Review
Wake Up!
Personal power, charisma, and success elude most people. Yet the skills to manage the mind and achieve those benefits are available to anyone—from workers on the shop floor to inhabitants of the executive suite, according to the...
Book Review
If Mom's Not Dead by 9, I'm Leaving
As difficult as it is to go through the process of losing a loved one, it can be comforting to realize that others are on a similar path. This moving tribute, a year-long recounting of one family’s ups and downs, tells the unfolding...
Book Review
How to Turn Anger into Love
We live in an angry world. In a new approach to a misunderstood emotion, the authors focus on decoding anger’s messages and exploring the possibility that anger, mindfully used, can be a tool for growth into higher realms. Reshmi...
Book Review
Drawing from the Heart
Messages from the heart, accessed nonverbally through image-making, hold the power to heal the most painful emotions and deepest wounds, according to the author, who is an arts educator, counselor, and program coordinator at the...
Book Review
The New Wife
In spite of a divorce rate pegged at nearly 60% by the US Census Bureau, 75% of those divorced do remarry. Since nearly half the population is a wife one or more times, this researched discussion will be of interest to a wide spectrum of...