Book Review
The Original Gospel of Ramakrishna
While followers of some religions continually seek to discover what their leaders actually taught or meant, disciples of the Rāmakrishna Order of Hinduism have an account of Rāmakrishna’s teachings recorded by a direct disciple in...
Book Review
Rabbi Rami Guide to Forgiveness
Forgiveness is much more than saying one is sorry. Rabbi Rami explains that forgiveness is an attitude that should instruct our entire lives. He questions the prevailing religious and societal understandings of forgiveness by redefining...
Book Review
Rabbi Rami Guide to God
Opening this new edition to his Rabbi Rami Guide series with the loaded question, “Do you believe in God?”, Rabbi Rami presents that he and you and all of us are God, as understood in panentheism through the prism of Perennial...
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