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  3. Carol Lynn Stewart

Carol Lynn Stewart, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

Leading Lady

by Carol Lynn Stewart

In London, at the turning of the nineteenth century to the twentieth, Bethia Rayborn, happily engaged to her childhood sweetheart, dreams of their life together as she designs and creates costumes for productions at the Royal Court... Read More

Book Review

Valley of the Shadow

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Attorney Conner Hayden suffers a heart attack. His latest client approaches a highway ramp and encounters a car riddled with bullets. On the same night, Mitch Kent rides his motorcycle to see his girlfriend and is struck by a truck.... Read More

Book Review

The Apothecary's Daughter

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Young Lilly Haswell stands on Honeystreet Bridge in a small town in the Wiltshire district of Regency-era England, searching the barges and narrow boats for a familiar face. Her mother’s run off, leaving her father, the apothecary... Read More

Book Review

Stepping Into Sunlight

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Penny Sullivan teeters on the edge of a chasm. On one side is her life as the wife of a Navy Chaplain and her role as super-mother of a young son; on the other stands a pale wreck, agoraphobic and defeated, clinging to any shred of the... Read More

Book Review

Shades of Gray

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Confederate Captain Alexander Hunter wants nothing more than to put a stop to the slippery, fast-riding Yankee scout who has been reporting the maneuvers of Hunter’s reconnaissance and re-supply missions to the enemy Union army. When... Read More

Book Review

A Secret of the Universe

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Lifelong friends Ian and Bill begin down the path of Midwestern middle class marriage, family, jobs, and neighborhoods. Then, tragic events push Bill deep into the comfort zone of his family and Christian fundamentalism, while Ian takes... Read More

Book Review


by Carol Lynn Stewart

Bleeding from a stab wound and dazed by a concussion, a woman drives a deserted highway toward Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, looking for a place where she can ditch the car to cover her tracks and escape a faceless yet very real threat.... Read More

Book Review

In the Company of Secrets

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Written in the style of nineteenth-century stories such as Catharine Marie Sedgwick’s New England Tale, this novel has all the elements of the widely read women’s fiction of the 1800s. The heroine Olivia, an orphan, earns her keep as... Read More

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