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  3. Carol Lynn Stewart

Carol Lynn Stewart, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

Speaks the Nightbird

by Carol Lynn Stewart

In Colonial South Carolina, the settlement of Fount Royal awaits the arrival of a magistrate from Charles Town who will decide the fate of an accused witch, Rachel Howarth. The year is 1699, and settlements on the edge of the wilderness... Read More

Book Review

Flying By Night

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Kestrel Firehawk wants a child. She waits on Beltane, the last night of April, for her two husbands to arrive and start the ritual that will fulfill her plan. Beltane is a special night, granting bounty and fertility, and the ritual goes... Read More

Book Review

Perfect Timing

by Carol Lynn Stewart

The passage of time is often seen as fixed and inevitable. What if this were not the case? When Michael Jordan executes a “slam dunk,” shoving the basketball into the hoop, everything about his movement seems to slow down. He seems... Read More

Book Review

Grave's End

by Carol Lynn Stewart

Just about everyone loves a good ghost story, but what does one do when the very fabric of reality twists and the vast gray face of the unknown peers out from the everyday rhythm of life? In Grave’s End, Mercado addresses this issue... Read More

Book Review

Wild Girls

by Carol Lynn Stewart

From pre-history to the present, the feminine image of deity has captured the imagination of artists, poets, and composers. Today, the threat to the planet from pollution, the gift of affluence and greed, has sparked interest in... Read More

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