Book Review
See Jane Run
David E. Campbell and Christina Wolbrecht’s stimulating political science treatise "See Jane Run" is about the impact of women politicians on society. The book posits questions about the parts that women politicians play in American...
Book Review
Finding spiritual and personal meaning in the work of being a nurse, "Crossroads" is a revealing memoir. Dennis Butler’s memoir "Crossroads" is an illuminating look into what the nursing profession entails. The book is split into three...
Book Review
The Apothecary's Wife
Karen Bloom Gevirtz’s compelling history book The Apothecary’s Wife covers the commodification of medicine and the sidelining of women in medical history. In the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, the Scientific...
Book Review
Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma
"Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma" functions as an extended argument about the dangers of the pharmaceutical industry, with an emphasis on modern vaccines. Stephen Heartland’s incendiary book "Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma"...
Book Review
Extraordinary Doctor
Modeling effective doctor-patient and colleague communication, the inspiring career guide "Extraordinary Doctor" introduces emotional intelligence and people skills as being of significant value to doctors. A career manual that addresses...
Book Review
From the Ground Up
Stephanie Anderson’s fascinating essay collection "From the Ground Up" is about the women who are pioneering change in the field of regenerative agriculture. Recalling how the US’s food system collapsed during the early days of...
Book Review
Awake For Ever in a Sweet Unrest
In Chuck Rosenthal’s provocative novel "Awake For Ever in a Sweet Unrest", a girl explores her connection to the Romantic poets. Beatriz does unpaid work cataloging books in a basement library. There, the rows of books serve as portals...
Book Review
Warrior, Queen, Scientist, Activist
Twenty-five historical women are profiled in the essay collection "Warrior, Queen, Scientist, Activist", remembered for their achievements and their strengths. Jan-Benedict Steenkamp’s essay collection "Warrior, Queen, Scientist,...