Book Review
Appalachia USA
Levy brings a human face to the issues present in the coalfields and leaves us with a deeper understanding of what is at stake in Appalachia. Mountaintop-removal surface mining has destroyed thousands of square miles of Appalachian...
Book Review
Terminal Rage
Khalifa keeps the story excitingly unpredictable and lays out a plot so twisted that the puzzle picture morphs as more pieces are added. With an international scope and surprising plot twists, A. M. Khalifa storms the thriller scene with...
Book Review
Human Source Code
This intriguing thriller features nonstop action and stakes that get higher and higher right up until the very end. Question #1: Is it OK to kill another human being? Question #2: What if that human being were Adolf Hitler or someone...
Book Review
Girl Stop! Guys Stop!
SbJ’s conversational, confident voice lends an air of authority to this insightful book, making it a great resource for young people seeking healthy relationships. The games have to stop, SbJ asserts. All of the manipulation,...
Book Review
Many Many Many Gods of Hinduism
Swami Achuthananda’s casual, concise tone makes this an excellent primer on Hinduism. Hinduism is the third-largest religion in the world, but many misconceptions surround it. With more than 330 million personal gods, the unfamiliar...
Book Review
The Savage Lands
Tarzan swings back into modern literature with this non-stop action-adventure novel that puts a new spin on the ape-man and his friend Jane. One hundred years ago, Tarzan swung from the jungle into the pop-culture landscape of America in...
Book Review
Almost Demon
A snarky young protagonist facing a mystical world with a realistically unsure attitude makes this chilling novel an enjoyable read. In A. J. Salem’s debut novel, "Almost Demon", Gemma discovers she was born to be a summoner of angels...
Book Review
Think Your Life Into Action
This book teaches new ways to learn to love yourself, mistakes and all. It’s not often that an author will use her experience of getting arrested and spending a few days in jail as an example of how having a positive self-image can...