Book Review
Dog's Life
To smell, taste, or chew this publication, the mind keeps retrieving the word “clever.” The author, using a glossy periodical format, parodies the style and contents of elite monthly journals. There are selections ranging from Afghan...
Book Review
Woody Allen
Woody Allen will not win any popularity poll with American moviegoers. Many of his movies saunter into obscurity within weeks after their release to theaters. With the publication of this book, the author, a movie film critic, hopes to...
Book Review
Bird Song Ear Training Guide
More than forty years have passed since environmentalist Rachel Carson warned the world of the threat DDT posed to the bird world in her groundbreaking work Silent Spring. Her warnings were heard, but who is listening now to the calls of...
Book Review
The Verb 'To Bird'
The house sparrow, Passer domesticus, the familiar sooty little brown city bird, is not a sparrow at all, but a weaver finch from Europe that was released in the United States with all the wrong intentions. In this book, the author...
Book Review
The Wildlife Sanctuary Garden
Gardening is blooming in the United States. More people list gardening as their favorite leisure activity over any other outdoor recreation. To some, gardening is the growing of vegetables. To others, it is the maintaining of an...
Book Review
Gardening for the Birds
Broad expanses of immaculately maintained lawns, perfectly trimmed yews and patterned beds of annuals may be pleasing to many homeowners but not as pleasing to wildlife. The urbanization of the landscape has not been good for all...
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