Book Review
Enduring Relations
In describing the Wallace family, J. N. Hyatt’s characterizations are near perfect. She could make use of the famous line from Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own...
Book Review
Montage Mirage Photo Tapestries
One picture may be worth a thousand words, but to crafter Gwen Cheryl Lyn Sarandrea, one photo is not nearly enough to create her “Montage Mirage Photo Tapestries.” She chooses a theme and then selects harmonious and often sequential...
Book Review
The Unlikely Sleuth
What can one fifteen-year-old, girl-crazy farm boy know about mobsters, murder, and honor? Turns out, according to Edward J. Bertz in his first novel, The Unlikely Sleuth, quite a bit. This coming-of-age murder mystery takes place in...
Book Review
The Confederacy has fallen. The men and women of Covenant Plantation—both free and slave—must attempt to find out who they are in a new world of equality. As chaos pulls down the antebellum lifestyle, C. D. Harper begins the story of...
Book Review
The Guardian Class
Written in an authentic, angry voice, Dr. Jonathan D. Heavey’s memoir of the time he served in Iraq begins with his altruistic decision to join the military. The story follows the author’s confusion and exhaustion during basic...
Book Review
Quilting on the Go
From a perspective of size alone, a lone quilter can find the basic acts of putting together a large quilt top, batting, and backing sandwiches a daunting task. Add to the assembly the tasks of basting, and then quilting, full- or queen-...
Book Review
With A Heavy Heart
Austrian engineer and German spy, J.L. Stein, leads readers through the dark labyrinth of his family’s history, including tales of concentration camps, Nazis, and the KKK. In this ambitious novel, Sam Taggart balances the evil with...
Book Review
Broken Wings
Terri Ciccarini’s first novel, "Broken Wings", pivots on a deal with the devil. This cautionary be careful what you choose tale opens with a seemingly benign account of a random meeting of two families. It then follows the paths they...