Book Review
Lost Diamond
A diamond mine in post-apartheid South Africa a missing gargantuan-sized diamond and an engaging geologist hired to find it—what could be more exotic and enticing to mystery readers? Add a beautiful woman the South African countryside...
Book Review
Sarah's Son
Sarah Yoder scares away demons, shelters Iraqi terrorists, and witnesses her son’s miraculous healing, all while frying up the bacon, raising her children, performing her wifely duties, and keeping a spotless house. Eicher brings...
Book Review
Feng Shui in Garage, Basement and Cave
Two generations of women lose their innocence, while finding love and friendship, in this coming-of-age story that reflects Jamaica’s own bid for independence. Their family’s lineage follows Jamaica’s history from the Maroons,...
Book Review
Chicago Tales
A young woman either experiences a psychotic breakdown or actually turns into a bird of prey— it’s up to readers to believe or not in Bill Van Patten’s opening Kafka-esque tale in this, his first short story collection. VanPatten,...
Book Review
Sell Your Home with Feng Shui
This book utilizes its own good advice and presents itself in its best light beginning with the clear colorful photography and tasteful red-hued cover. Its compact size fits easily in the hand and with only 87 pages it does not overwhelm...
Book Review
The Lady With the Monkey
The novel begins with a prologue too often a red flag for readers and truly one in this case. The disjointed prologue—a background information dump—links to the remaining 230 pages of this novel via a television. The boy who received...
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