Hannah Hohman, Book Reviewer

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Book Review


by Hannah Hohman

Sarah has suffered from REM Sleep Behavior Disorder her whole life. The disorder causes her to act out her dreams—a problem that is considerable enough to warrant bedtime restraints and many medical trials. After one frightening... Read More

Book Review


by Hannah Hohman

"Thaw" is passionate and raw, with a reminder that love isn’t the same for everyone. Elyse Springer’s "Thaw" explores love and what it means to show it, with two people in a relationship who aren’t sure what one should look like.... Read More

Book Review

Finding Feminism

by Hannah Hohman

Comprehensive and scholarly, "Finding Feminism" is best for the seasoned millennial feminist or for the new one truly committed to the cause. Alison Dahl Crossley’s Finding Feminism: Millennial Activists and the Unfinished Gender... Read More

Book Review

2Brides 2Be

by Hannah Hohman

Questions are answered and excitement is sparked in this one-of-a-kind guide. "2Brides 2Be" is a guidebook specifically for women same-sex couples, covering all of what they will face as they plan a wedding with two brides. Brides are... Read More

Book Review

Great with Child

by Hannah Hohman

This amusing novel takes a fresh look at motherhood and at all the ways to make up a family. In Sonia Taitz’s "Great with Child", Abigail is pregnant—and determined not to let it stand in her way. With the father out of her mind and... Read More

Book Review

The Pride and Prejudice Coloring Book

by Hannah Hohman

From the book to the big screen and back to the book, Pride and Prejudice fans can now take colored pencils to their favorite love–and sometimes hate–scenes between Lizzy and Mr. Darcy. The best and most memorable scenes are here, so... Read More

Book Review

The Saints

by Hannah Hohman

No holding back, these pages tell and depict authentic lives of the saints. While the backgrounds are intricate, the figures are simple. Especially enjoyable for scenery lovers. Read More

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