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  3. Holly Wren Spaulding

Holly Wren Spaulding, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

Meditations on Design

by Holly Wren Spaulding

Included among House Beautiful’s Top American Designers (1999), John Wheatman offers his philosophy and some practical guidance for individuals who want to improve their home with guidance and expertise from a book by a professional.... Read More

Book Review

Bewitched Playground

by Holly Wren Spaulding

Here are poems of a non-confessional tone, which consider the thoughts and emotions one may have, but may not always be willing to admit. Specifically, Rivard explores the tension between the life that he is suddenly living when he... Read More

Book Review

Conflict in Chiapas

by Holly Wren Spaulding

The precarious political situation of the indigenous people of Chiapas is the topic of this personal investigation by a veteran photojournalist and writer from Indiana. After two decades of covering news stories in other Latin American... Read More

Book Review


by Holly Wren Spaulding

Do not presume to anticipate the course of these deft poems. Rather, know that each one acts as ballast against lyric predictability, nailing the dimwitted reader and the expert alike with a sure blow between the eyes. These are... Read More

Book Review

Garden of Exile

by Holly Wren Spaulding

For one whose bread and butter is earned with words, Rodriguez practices a determined suspicion about the power they posses. In her poem “Why I would rather be a Painter,” she unapologetically states that “Dictators dwell in... Read More

Book Review

A Hundred White Daffodils

by Holly Wren Spaulding

“A single green sprouting thing would restore me …”, writes Kenyon in winter, asserting that her life owes much to a rootedness in, and appreciation of, the natural world. A Hundred White Daffodils, edited by her husband, Donald... Read More

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