Book Review
The Day Before
by Jeff Gundy
This poet pursues something more, less, or perhaps simply other than the ordinary. These poems are always attentive to memory and filled with brisk, fully realized physical description. What sets them apart is their intensity and...
Book Review
The Tower of Diverse Shores
by Jeff Gundy
These ambitious, playful, ingenious poems are not for everyone. Those who demand that poetry be “accessible,” no matter how clunky and cumbersome the ramps and railings involved, may well retreat from this poet’s vivid but oblique...
Book Review
Climbing the Divide
by Jeff Gundy
Over a long, illustrious career the author has practiced and nearly perfected what might be called a Texas plain style. Without fuss or pyrotechnics, his poems draw readers into a life both unexceptional and extraordinary, made so by the...
Book Review
The Palace of Ashes
by Jeff Gundy
These lively poems press deeply into their places and the meanings of place. The first section, shadowed by the mile-long piles of culm extracted from coal mines and the harsh realities of life in coal towns like Taylor, Pennsylvania,...
Book Review
From the Other Side of Night/Del otro lado de la noche
by Jeff Gundy
A vital tradition in Spanish poetry unites politics, eroticism, and surrealism in a way few poets writing in English have attempted, let alone managed. Francisco Alarcûn’s poems join those of Pablo Neruda, Cesar Vallejo, Federico...
Book Review
White Soul
by Jeff Gundy
Thoreau remarked that he would not write so much about himself if there were anyone else he knew as well. Readers who understand what he meant, but still find themselves fascinated by the endless efforts we make to explain ourselves to...
Book Review
Footnotes to an Unfinished Poem
by Jeff Gundy
As the title advertises, this new book is not itself a poem but the footnotes to one that the author insists exists only as “a text that its unnamed author could only fractionally complete.” Since T. S. Eliot added his famous...
Book Review
by Jeff Gundy
Given the American obsession with sports, it is hardly surprising that many American poets should have turned their attention that way. In this generous gathering of sports poems, the editor offers something for just about everyone, with...