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  3. Jessie Horness

Jessie Horness, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

The Four Noble Truths

by Jessie Horness

Suffering is our national obsession. From wonder drugs to life-changing diet plans, to exist in the modern world is to be constantly plied with images of a life free of suffering. "The Four Noble Truths", compiled from the teachings of... Read More

Book Review

Every Body Has a Story

by Jessie Horness

Set against the backdrop of the economic crash, "Every Body Has a Story" is an exploration of how our identities evolve when under immense pressure. Following Lena, her family, and their close friends through employment insecurity and... Read More

Book Review

Have Fun in Burma

by Jessie Horness

"Have Fun in Burma" follows Adela, just out of high school, through her summer of self-discovery. No pizza binges and thoughtless beachside flings for this heroine, though. Rosalie Metro’s earnest young lead is up for more of a... Read More

Book Review

The Dreaming Road

by Jessie Horness

"The Dreaming Road" is a lovely tale about loss, healing, and what it means to be human. Elizabeth Moore’s "The Dreaming Road" is an autobiographically inspired novel of a mother’s journey after her young daughter’s suicide. It... Read More

Book Review

When It's Over

by Jessie Horness

Thoughtful, touching storytelling provides a balm and resonance for our most human selves. Set against the backdrop of WWII, When It’s Over is a poignant story that examines how history defines our humanity, and that explores... Read More

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