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  3. John Michael Senger

John Michael Senger, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

Penis Power

by John Michael Senger

That the author of Penis Power was advised not to put the word “penis” in the title because it would be offensive to many is strong evidence of the need for this book. Dudley Seth Danoff, an experienced urologist and urological... Read More

Book Review

Over the Cliff

by John Michael Senger

"Over the Cliff" is old wine in a new bottle. In a 1964 article in Harper’s Magazine, Richard Hofstadter described “the paranoid style in American politics.” Amato and Neiwert offer a detailed and contemporary accounting of that... Read More

Book Review


by John Michael Senger

Reading the stories in Greg Mulcahy’s collection of short fiction, "Carbine", is like driving slowly by a smoldering auto–truck accident on I-10 just east of New Orleans. It is filled with images that are compelling, tragic, and... Read More

Book Review

52 Loaves

by John Michael Senger

"52 Loaves" is not really about the pursuit of truth, meaning, and a perfect crust, as the subtitle claims—but readers can indulge the author his bit of literary embellishment. This book, a breezy, captivating account of the author’s... Read More

Book Review

People of the Sturgeon

by John Michael Senger

Wine and beer drinkers and the demand for high-grade caviar contributed largely to the near extinction of the sturgeon in the Great Lakes and the rivers and lakes of Wisconsin. By 1872, two German immigrants, Siemon and John Schact, were... Read More

Book Review

The Way We Vote

by John Michael Senger

Within minutes of the polls closing, television reporters can tell us how many women, aged thirty-five to forty-two, in a specific county in New Jersey, voted for the Democrat for Congress and why. Alec C. Ewald, in "The Way We Vote", on... Read More

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