Book Review
"How." is a powerful guidebook for bringing ideas to life in challenging times. With the knowledge that everyone has ideas, but most struggle to bring them to life, R. Geoffrey Blackburn’s engaging, motivational self-improvement book...
Book Review
Quickwater Oracles
"Quickwater Oracles" is an inspiring, thought-provoking collection of spiritual poetry that will carry the heart, mind, and soul toward broader, more open horizons. Ruth Thompson’s "Quickwater Oracles" is a thought-provoking collection...
Book Review
Warrior Won
In yoga, the warrior pose is about seeking balance. It’s no wonder, then, that Meryl Davids Landau’s novel "Warrior Won" is about a woman contemplating her spiritual beliefs in the face of devastating news. Lorna seems to have it...
Book Review
The Friendship Key to Lasting Peace, United Communities, Strong Relationships, Equality, and a Better Job
The Friendship Key is a compelling self-help book that focuses on the central importance of friendship. Making friends as an adult can be quite challenging, but in his book The Friendship Key, Winfried Sedhoff makes the case that...
Book Review
A Tale Told Softly
"A Tale Told Softly" is a powerful work that reveals the possible real message in William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. William Shakespeare may have composed his famous “problem” play The Winter’s Tale for entertainment, but...
Book Review
Live Ablaze
"Live Ablaze" directs its audiences to a brighter future in a whimsical, inspiring way. Sarah Davison-Tracy’s motivational "Live Ablaze" encourages passionate living that uses past heartbreaks, hurts, and trauma as a road map to a...
Book Review
Fields of Clover
"Fields of Clover" is a loving story that idealizes a family history and a departed brother; it fascinates in art and genealogy. A love for both family and history are the cornerstones of Gregory Hugh Brown’s family biography Fields of...
Book Review
The Silence of Motherhood
"The Silence of Motherhood" is a capable portrait of motherhood in the twenty-first century. In "The Silence of Motherhood", Victoria Jones novelizes her experiences to explore the importance of silence in her adult life. Victoria Jones...