Book Review
The Anglo Brambles
A different kind of coming-to-America tale illustrates irrationality of everyday life. If you’ve ever walked in the woods, you may have seen a bramble—a shrub with prickly, thorny branches. They’re difficult to walk around (much...
Book Review
Secular Humanism vs. Religion
In Secular Humanism vs. Religion: Barack Obama The Champion of Humanism, Pastor Denzil T. Durbin decries secular humanism and makes an appeal for the United States to return to what he considers its religious roots. Writing with...
Book Review
Essie's Kids and the Rolling Calf---3
Mystery stories for kids have changed dramatically in the last few decades. Characters like Encyclopedia Brown and The Boxcar Children have been replaced by wizards, vampires, werewolves, and zombies. Innocent sleuthing of creepy houses...
Book Review
A Right to Bear Arms?
The year 2012 was one of the worst on record for mass shootings in the United States. Sixteen high-profile shootings occurred in a variety of settings, one an elementary school in Connecticut where 27 people, including 20 children, were...
Book Review
Dreams and Misunderstandings
Ask any romance writer what is the secret to writing a compelling love story and the answer may shock you. It’s not love or passion. It’s not beautiful, wealthy characters or exotic locales. The secret is misunderstanding. It’s...
Book Review
In the days after 9/11, many reporters wrote stories about where Al Qaeda might strike next: buildings, monuments, infrastructure. In the intervening years, it has become clear that high-profile sites are not the only vulnerable targets....
Book Review
Bird from Hell
In August 2011, a New York Times article reported that, according to researchers, 85 percent of land creatures and more than 90 percent of sea creatures have yet to be discovered. That bit of news may sound strange, particularly in an...
Book Review
Immigration is a hot-button political topic for many Americans. What most people forget is that the heated debate over immigration is almost as old as the United States itself. What is more important to understand is that nearly all...