Book Review
Thoughts on My Thoughts
"Thoughts on My Thoughts" is an uplifting memoir about the mutual enrichment that comes from the bonds between people and animals. Veterinarian Walter R. Hoge’s memoir "Thoughts on My Thoughts" celebrates the joy and satisfaction that...
Book Review
The artistic historical picture book "Coney" tells the story of a beloved theme park. In Jeffrey Lindberg’s picture book "Coney", a girl and a rabbit have a hair-raising theme park adventure. In 1904, Selena is a rabbit who lives on...
Book Review
Who's Knocking at My Door?
Who’s Knocking at My Door? is a whimsical memoir about life around a South Florida pond that celebrates the local ecosystem. Terrie Stadler’s swift memoir for young readers, Who’s Knocking at My Door?, follows her family’s move...
Book Review
The Trouble with Doctors
"The Trouble with Doctors" works to expose fraud and deceit in contemporary medical practices. Decorated gynaecologist John Anderson’s medical exposé "The Trouble with Doctors" condemns medical practicioners who are motivated by greed...
Book Review
The College Shrink
Character studies dominate the moving novel "The College Shrink", about the turbulence of campus life and the importance of love and compassion. An empathetic college psychologist finds herself in trouble in William Haylon’s intense...
Book Review
In Lynn Sloan’s luminous novel "Midstream", a woman’s comfortable, enviable life is upended. In 1974, Polly is thirty-four. The US simmers in discontent. Vietnam protests and feminists who demand equal rights and pay are disturbing...
Book Review
Reclaiming Calliope
Opera singer Fides Krucker’s book is both a moving artistic memoir and a radical self-help work, presenting a method of freeing one’s authentic voice to reclaim power, agency, and self-worth. A feminist call to action, the book...
Book Review
This Is How We Love
Lisa Moore’s novel "This Is How We Love" is an intimate and complex exploration of relationships—and of what it means to be entangled by the demands of love. Jules and her husband, Joe, are in Mexico when their phones ring,...