Book Review
A fortune teller issues a warning against three women with water-related names in Clarissa Goenawan’s dark, atmospheric novel "Watersong". Arai has been plagued by nightmares of drowning since childhood. A fortune teller’s dire...
Book Review
Voices in the Dead House
The horror and devastation of the Civil War are witnessed by two icons of American literature in Norman Lock’s novel "Voices in the Dead House". After the 1862 defeat of the Union Army, Washington is overwhelmed by a flood of wounded...
Book Review
Challenge and Change
The intrafamily biography "Challenge and Change" praises a Christian woman whose wisdom and courage saw her through massive social and historical changes. Drawing from forty journals kept over a lifetime, Allen Hern’s biography of his...
Book Review
Asha and Baz Meet Mary Sherman Morgan
"Asha and Baz Meet Mary Sherman Morgan" is an exciting middle grade novel about the US’s first woman rocket scientist; it emphasizes curiosity, teamwork, and creative thinking. In Caroline Fernandez’s engaging novel "Asha and Baz...
Book Review
Easter: McEaster Valley
"Easter: McEaster Valley" is an imaginative children’s story in which a grown-up’s life is transformed during a walk in the woods. In Walter R. Hoge’s philosophical early reader "Easter: McEaster Valley", a man is introduced to a...
Book Review
Frank's Frantic Festival
The entertaining picture book Frank’s Frantic Festival follows a boy through the consequences of his magic-based misbehavior. Harry Binnendyk’s picture book Frank’s Frantic Festival follows a boy and his best friend through their...
Book Review
Reimagining Blue
"Reimagining Blue" is moving police chief’s memoir that proposes a new approach to law enforcement. Retired Police Chief Kristen Ziman’s memoir "Reimagining Blue" focuses on the strengths and flaws of contemporary law enforcement....
Book Review
Hello Up There!
"Hello Up There!" is an affirming picture book in which a physically disabled boy learns that he can’t be stopped from having rich life experiences. In Judi Buenaflor’s warm picture book "Hello Up There!", a friendly giraffe teaches...