Book Review
A Journey through Life
by Laura Mahon
Experienced at life, Hirsekorn has valuable lessons for adults and children. A Journey Through Life, by Fred Hirsekorn, anthologizes some key moments in life for this German-born author who has witnessed the devastating reality of the...
Book Review
A Tale of Two Sparrows
by Laura Mahon
This tale of the search for happiness is told with a delightful cadence and clever bridges between human and animal. A fanciful story of a community of anthropomorphized birds, "A Tale of Two Sparrows" depicts main characters Billy and...
Book Review
The Chronicles of Elizabeth Highland
by Laura Mahon
A spiritual journey blends with an online romance in a story about letting go of the past and enjoying the present. Set against the backdrop of a smoldering love affair, "The Chronicles of Elizabeth Highland" fictionalizes a compelling...
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