Book Review
Loving Andrew
by Laura Munion
Loving Andrew: A Fifty-Two-Year Story of Down Syndrome shares Romy Wyllie’s account of what life was like raising her afflicted son. She contrasts her experience of raising Andrew in the 1960s and 1970s with two other families who also...
Book Review
The Plateau
by Laura Munion
Even the smallest of our actions can affect what happens to the environment in the future. What if a mundane daily task could cause the difference between a life full of possibilities and a land unrecognizable from your own? The Plateau...
Book Review
by Laura Munion
“We need a universal language … A universal language cannot be made by spreading one of the current languages … It can properly be established with only a new language, unconnected with any particular nation.” Tan Kheng Yeang has...
Book Review
Eyes of the Insane
by Laura Munion
“I’ve been called crazy, sick, deranged and even a murderer. That’s right, a murderer! That’s how far out there my story is, but it’s all just a cover up.” Erik Erichson, the narrator and main character of Eyes of the Insane...
Book Review
by Laura Munion
Picture living in a world where progress is forbidden and technological stasis is the goal. The place and time: the American Wild West in 1870, Branigan County. This is the setting for much of "McCreedie". The novel follows the lives of...
Book Review
The Wager Nobody Cared to Win
by Laura Munion
‘You’d better behave or else the gypsies will come and get you because they like bad children.’ … I was a strong candidate for being kidnapped by gypsies. Author Victor M. Calderon shares many such tales from his Puerto Rican...
Book Review
No-Nonsense Algebra
by Laura Munion
Richard W. Fisher’s approach throughout this book is as straightforward and practical as his advice to students. Early on, he states, “Learning requires repetition. Just ask any athlete or musician. You have to practice to get good...
Book Review
Breaking Point
by Laura Munion
No, your past sucks. What has taken place is no longer in your life; it is no more and can never be again. Throughout "Breaking Point", Lee offers a steady stream of insights to Butterfly. The two characters often discuss the...