Book Review
Buried Threads
by Lee Gooden
Kaylin McFarren has raised the bar for the erotic thriller with an action- and character-driven story. "Buried Threads", an erotic thriller, combines the action and adventure found in a Clive Cussler novel, the plotting and romance of...
Book Review
Bat Blood
by Lee Gooden
Homage to B movies contains vital message about man’s interference with nature. Elite guards from a super-secret research facility battle for their lives against a mutated teenage girl and her compatriots, the genetically enhanced and...
Book Review
Tomorrows End
by Lee Gooden
Teenager Kevin Knight learns that he is a savior of the universe in this nonstop joyride of a sci-fi epic. "Tomorrows End" is the first ambitious novel in G. R. Morris’s science fiction/fantasy series The Path of a Savior. In addition...
Book Review
The Last Stratiote
by Lee Gooden
James Goodman, ICE agent, becomes entwined in a supernatural world that follows primal laws of blood debt. Many current horror and hyper-fantasy novels are published for the young adult audience. "The Last Stratiote" fills the gap for...
Book Review
Obscene Thoughts
by Lee Gooden
Sorry, ladies, says pornographer; men are just natural cheaters. Men are “hard-wired” to cheat on women sexually, says pornographer Dave Pounder, who explains why in "Obscene Thoughts". Pounder says that evolutionary biology teaches...
Book Review
The Rising
by Lee Gooden
US Army Special Forces and twenty-first century inquisitor Clay Hawker must stop the Apocalypse. Ron Toppings, former US Army counterintelligence special agent, writes like an expert drag-race driver doing a burnout. Gaining traction for...
Book Review
The Strength in Knowing
by Lee Gooden
What is life all about? This author teaches through more questions and easily understood lessons that encourage higher consciousness. When I. Alan Appt was a child, he wrote a Hamlet-like, existential poem called “To Be” to express...
Book Review
A Nest of Voodoo Dolls
by Lee Gooden
B. K. Knight’s five years of service in the Botswana Police Service adds gritty authenticity to her imaginative, yet uneven novel, "A Nest of Voodoo Dolls". The protagonist, Botswana police sergeant Duski Locha, is called when a man is...