Lillian Brown, Book Reviewer

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Book Review


by Lillian Brown

Sometimes … is a fresh take on one boy’s journey through young adulthood. A. M. Cervantes’s Sometimes … is a comprehensive look at the classic coming-of-age story found in much of American literature. Grappling with love,... Read More

Book Review

War Stories

by Lillian Brown

J. J. Zerr has created a jumping-off point for anyone interested in the complexities of warfare, both at home and abroad. J. J. Zerr’s "War Stories" examines the multifaceted definition of war in a unique way that most collections skip... Read More

Book Review

Beauty of Morality

by Lillian Brown

While it picks apart the human condition, Sully’s volume also takes time to put it back together. Pierre Edens Sully makes a strong entrance with his first volume of poetry, "Beauty of Morality". In the collection, current social... Read More

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