Book Review
Discovering Careers for Your Future
“Bounty hunters who start their own businesses should expect to lose money at the beginning.” Established bounty hunters can earn more than $30,000 a year and business looks good through 2008. These and other tidbits are found in a...
Book Review
My Best Friend Bear
The old bear has danced the kookamonga one too many times. Bear’s heady existence as the best friend of a small girl is one that most families will recognize. A child’s best baby, best quilt, or best bear are the ones most likely to...
Book Review
The Genius of Leonardo
“1490. Giacomo has come to live with me. He is ten years old. He is a liar, a thief, and a greedy brute.” So wrote one of the most inventive and accomplished men in history-Leonardo da Vinci. Who better than to tell about the great...
Book Review
The Yellow Train
If the original 1949 French version of this handsomely illustrated picturebook is not a classic, it should be. On the surface it is the story of a young boy who rides a train to visit his grandfather, who used to be the conductor of the...
Book Review
Wild Animals
True or false: Chimpanzees make their own beds! Hippos turn pink when they leave the water. A rhino walks on tiptoe. A giraffe can wrap its extremely long tongue around its head. While these statements may sound like delightful fiction...
Book Review
Daisy and the Doll
The state of Vermont conjures images of apples, maple sugar candy, individualism. Individualism is expressed in the state’s diverse history and in two new children’s books. The first is about a gutsy small daughter of a former slave...
Book Review
The Two Brothers
The state of Vermont conjures images of apples, maple sugar candy, individualism. Individualism is expressed in the state’s diverse history and in two new children’s books. The first is about a gutsy small daughter of a former slave...
Book Review
Jesse's Star
Jesse’s “dumb” homework assignment, put off as usual until the last minute, is to write a report about how his family arrived in Canada and what conditions were like in their country of origin. He’s panicky about getting the...