Book Review
Teen Angst? Naaah
“A rock concert should be counterculture and youth-driven—not something you invite your mother to. Rock is the opposite of mothers.” If this sounds like an insider observation about teen thinking, it is. It comes from a Woody...
Book Review
The Power of Un
Have you ever wished that you could turn back time to undo a chain of events? If you could reverse the clock, which actions in the past twenty-four hours would set a different course? Etchemendy, author of The Watchers of Space, Stranger...
Book Review
Alice Walker
Teens looking for a role model to lead them through adversity to success should consider Alice Walker. Walker, the first African-American woman to win the Pulitizer Prize for fiction for The Color Purple has triumphed over life’s...
Book Review
The Blood Latitudes
Harrison, a prolific novelist whose books including Rollerblade and Burton and Speke have been turned into films or television shows, returns to a favorite setting—Africa—in this haunting book. The title hints at the brutality in...
Book Review
Handbuilding & Wheel
Clay is a marvelous medium for creative expression and with a little guidance, the results, however primitive, can be very satisfying. Based on their activities and experiences as teachers and artists, Nierman and the Arimas designed and...
Book Review
Summer Battles
Small for her age, eleven-year-old Kath is tired of being treated like a little kid. She resents being sent with a younger sister to visit her preacher grandfather, “Grando,” in Peaceable, Illinois, instead of taking what appears to...
Book Review
Animal Stories by Young Writers
At a time when the nation’s schools are getting low grades for teaching subjects such as writing and language, it is encouraging to read well-constructed, imaginative stories coming from pre-teens. The editors of Stone Soup Magazine...
Book Review
Head Above Water
Skye Johnson and her brother, Sunny, are teenage characters that deserve more than one book. She’s sixteen and a half, a good student and swimmer trying to make the state championships. She has confidential girlfriends, a healthy, but...