Book Review
Magda Revealed
by Mari Carlson
A message of love and equality is centered in "Magda Revealed", a piquing alternative historical novel that reconstitutes a figure whose significance was buried in the Bible. In Ursula Werner’s illuminating novel "Magda Revealed", Mary...
Book Review
In Search of You
by Mari Carlson
A template for delving into one’s past to make fresh meaning from its stories, "In Search of You" is a gracious example of pursuing happiness and self-worth. Part memoir, part self-help guide, Kasey Compton’s book "In Search of You"...
Book Review
by Mari Carlson
In Renée D. Bondy’s historical novel about clerical sexual abuse, "[non]disclosure", a survivor finds the courage to tell her story. As a girl at a Catholic school, the unnamed narrator is taught that the reward for confession is no...
Book Review
The Art of Living Yoga
by Mari Carlson
The personalized guide "The Art of Living Yoga" is an appealing starting point for yoga practitioners to find their own motivation and reasons to learn. Christine Lily Kessler’s thorough manual "The Art of Living Yoga" describes...
Book Review
Letters to Annie
by Mari Carlson
In the reassuring epistolary novel "Letters to Annie", a grandmother writes fairy tale–evocative letters to her granddaughter, drawing parallels between the child’s woes and the stories of Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Ariel. In Monika...
Book Review
The Overexamined Life of Jacob Hart
by Mari Carlson
Harmony and clarity are found as four men pursue happiness in tandem in the endearing novel "The Overexamined Life of Jacob Hart". In Jerry Wald’s soulful novel "The Overexamined Life of Jacob Hart", the longtime friendships between...
Book Review
The Death of Tony
by Mari Carlson
Lithuanian-Canadian Antanas Sileika’s memoir "The Death of Tony" is about moving between two worlds. Sileika’s parents fled Lithuania following the Soviet takeover in 1944. Sileika grew up outside of Toronto, where he had jaunty...
Book Review
The Alchemy of The Beast
by Mari Carlson
The allegorical novel "The Alchemy of The Beast" follows as a once-busy woman redefines her sense of what’s ordinary. An unexpected trip to Central America is healing for a young entrepreneur in Alyssa Noelle Coelho’s allegorical...