Book Review
Jacob's Cellar
“History belongs to the one who tells the better story,” old Grandpa Fentress, patriarch of the Ebhart clan, tells his family of hardy Missouri pioneers, as they huddle in the cellar seeking shelter from a storm. That doesn’t mean,...
Book Review
Napoleon's Penis
The charming and, at times, hilarious preface and opening chapters aside, Dr. Stanley M. Bierman’s Napoleon’s Penis does not quite live up to the promise of its title and subtitle. A collection of thirty-seven essays culled from a...
Book Review
Pacific LST 791
Wars are not won by fighting men alone. Those who carry and deliver the tools of combat to ports and beaches play a role as vital as any front-line soldier, sailor, or marine. The same is true of ships: For every battleship and aircraft...
Book Review
Bertilak of the High Desert
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of the best-known and most beloved of the Arthurian Legends. To modernize it and move it from fourteenth-century England to twenty-first-century Nebraska is no small feat of hubris, but it is one...
Book Review
The God Key
“I don’t know what to make of it. Save the obvious,” a professor remarks when the hero of John R. Fogarty’s "The God Key" shows him a photograph of the strange markings on what may be the remnants of the original Ten...
Book Review
Song of the Waterwheel
John Hansen’s "Song of the Waterwheel" is a love letter to his late wife, a woman whose stunning beauty struck him like lightning and whose even more endearing soul kept him enthralled for twenty-eight years. This loving yet honest...
Book Review
“Defrauder of many, scoundrel to most, traitor to all” is how one minor member of the cast aptly describes the title character of Jack Meyer’s satirical novel, "Alcibiades". Part fact, part fiction, part farce, as the subtitle...
Book Review
Memories in the Bone
Drawing on her Chinese heritage and her experiences living in many countries, Mee-mee Phipps has put together an engaging story of a young soldier driven to flee a lost cause to start life anew abroad. Set in nineteenth-century China,...