Book Review
Don Quixote
“We would willingly have pardoned the translator if he had not brought Ariosto into Spain and translated him into Castilian, for he has stripped away much of Ariosto’s genius. This is a fault incident to all those who presume to...
Book Review
Civil War Surgeon
“The nice fancy parades that have so pleased the people of Pitt is now over and the grim visage of war is what we will be introduced to for the next sixty days and perhaps longer.” So wrote Union Army surgeon James L. Dunn to his...
Book Review
And the Walls Come A-Tumblin' Down
It is a smart and talented author who can take a well-known Bible legend and turn it into a work of historical fiction that is not only entertaining and engaging but also enlightening and amusing. Albi Gom is just such a writer, and, in...
Book Review
As conspiracy-theory adventures go, Hotse Langeraar’s "Federal" is pretty good. Subtitled A Stephen Vinson Financial Thriller on the cover and A Mystery Novel on the title page, it is far more thriller than mystery, with the emphasis...
Book Review
The Afghans
A four-star story as good as "The Afghans" deserves better than a two-star edit. Nadeem Akbar writes in a simple style that is muddied by scores of basic errors—most of them inexcusable typos or obvious mistakes such as incorrect...
Book Review
“Don Christopherens was a man who came alive on a ship. A thing to behold was his certainty of signal from wave and wind and cloud,” writes Diego Colon, a Taino native who as a boy accompanied Christopher Columbus as interpreter...
Book Review
Alternative Energy
Brandon Baker is a frustrated, binge-drinking, hard-partying, strong-cussing, live-at-home, stuck-in-a-dead-end-job welder in Medicine Hat, a town in southeastern Alberta, Canada, that’s “not exactly a Mecca of cosmopolitan...
Book Review
Cobra Strike
As commando revenge fantasies go, Patrick E. Thomas’s "Cobra Strike" is predictably broad and outrageous, with lots of action involving its muscular and highly trained hero. Suspension of disbelief and willingness to ignore military...