Book Review
Whenever the protagonist walks into an old mansion and quips that “this place has a strange feel to it,” the reader knows that bad things are about to happen. They happen in spades to Marc DuBois and many of the others who populate...
Book Review
The Lie That Is Lincoln
Calling Carl Sandburg and other Lincoln scholars “ass-lickers,” “imbeciles,” and “sycophants,” and denigrating all previous biographies, histories, and works on America’s sixteenth president as “bullshit” is not the...
Book Review
Thailand Transformed: 1950-2012
Few Americans realize that England’s Queen Elizabeth II is not the world’s longest-reigning living monarch. As Culver S. Ladd informs readers, that achievement belongs to Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was crowned king of Thailand in 1946....
Book Review
Transition to a New World Order
“If a New World Order is to be successful, the goal will have to be good wages, benefits, and working conditions for all people, regardless of where they live.” So states educator, administrator, and business and technology...
Book Review
Play It Straight
“Life don’t take prisoners,” a boozy, washed-up screen legend tells a young man trying to break into the film industry in the late 1990s. “Success is mostly luck, kid. That and showing up.” The main character of Brendan...
Book Review
Of Truth and Terrorism
“History is like a mother who protects her children from impending dangers acquired through her past experience,” instructs Rab Nawaz Choudhry, a retired officer of the Pakistan Air Force, in "Of Truth and Terrorism". “It records...
Book Review
Mass Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932
Few Americans have heard of the 1932 mass trespass of Kinder Scout in England, but that peaceful act of civil disobedience is legend in the United Kingdom. It marked the start of a process to open vast tracts of privately owned moors and...
Book Review
The Sentimental Terrorist
“Now I see Nine/Elevens being inflicted on my own country,” laments Mohsin Khan, the educated, thoughtful Afghan protagonist for whom Rajesh Talwar named his magnificent and powerful thriller, "The Sentimental Terrorist". This is not...