Book Review
The Hardest Thing
Although packed with a plethora of hardcore sex scenes, James Lear’s "The Hardest Thing" contains, at its core, a fine private detective mystery novel in this seventh in a growing list of similar works by the author. Any reader...
Book Review
Thera and the Exodus
“In this treatise it is assumed that most of the biblical accounts are based on actual events, despite having been embellished by later editors.” Thus does Riaan Booysen head off critics who even before reading his book might accuse...
Book Review
Thinking Wild: Its Gifts of Insight
“Do people flock to your sunny beaches? Do they pack up and leave in prospect of a storm pelting them with complaints?” These are just two of the hundreds of questions Theo Grutter asks himself, and his readers, in Thinking Wild, a...
Book Review
The Dark Horde
“A bleeding, burning, mutilated machine of merciless destruction” can ruin anyone’s day, as a character named Henry discovers in this novel by Andrew Drage (a.k.a. Brewin). In The Dark Horde, the constables, students, and other...
Book Review
From Belleau Wood to Bougainville
“Forward of the 75s,” says World War I veteran Robert Blake, referring to the iconic frontline artillery piece of its time, “there’s no such thing as patriotism. It’s guts, discipline, comradeship, and loyalty to your comrades...
Book Review
Hazelet's Journal
Step aside, Jack London, and make room at the bar for George Cheever Hazelet. John Clark’s marvelous edit of the journals his great-grandfather penned during the Alaskan Gold Rush are every bit as exciting and authentic as what the...
Book Review
Leeches and Liberty
“Almost anything can happen in the colonies,” an elderly vicar says encouragingly to a woefully inadequate student who contemplates leaving 1773 England for America. Such begins the journey and journals of Luke Carr, the narrator of...
Book Review
Insidious Deception
As thrillers go, "Insidious Deception" is more aqueduct than waterslide. It starts off with a bang, but settles in to a languid yet ever so gradually escalating pace that eventually erupts into a cascade. This is a gutsy choice, as many...