Book Review
I Left My Haunt in San Francisco
“Can you imagine the panic and religious hysteria if John Q. Public found that vampires, werewolves and demons were really out to get them?” That is the very situation that Kal Hakela and his team of commandos and magicians from the...
Book Review
Medusa's Cause
“You too would be a little peculiar in thy habits if you had snakes growing out of thy head,” sighs the sister of the girl a spiteful Greek goddess turned into the famous monster with the reptilian hairdo. The title character of P.E....
Book Review
Man with a Golden Heart
Satya Sri is a doctor, not a poet. He is also a man in great pain, and one who has turned to poetry to give voice to that pain. While not a great work of art, Man With A Golden Heart is Sri’s honest, sincere, and brave attempt to find...
Book Review
The tiny West Indies island of Tobago is a “political football” that changed hands forty times in four centuries. According to one of its former governors, Tobago fell into a state of “squalor and depravity,” so much so that he...
Book Review
The Chronicles of Iona
As wonderful and elegant a saga as Chronicles of Iona: Exile was, Paula de Fougerolle’s sequel is even better. The first volume in the series took its twin protagonists from boyhood to early manhood; the second brings them to their...
Book Review
The Fallen Snow
“They’d want the old Joshua. It’s what they’d expect,” a soldier returning from the First World War sighs as he makes his way back home to a small town in the mountains of Virginia. Like so many returning from so many wars,...
Book Review
Stretchers Not Available
“Stretchers not available—repeat not available. To what use would they be put?” Such is the answer an incredulous Dr. Jim Rickett received when he asked British army headquarters for equipment to aid the wounded in a makeshift...
Book Review
The Blossom and the Musket
"The Blossom and the Musket" is a traditional Western, although it is set in New Zealand and the battle is between militia and Maoris in the mid-nineteenth century. While a bit more exotic than the Great Plains of the United States, the...