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  3. Matt Sutherland

Matt Sutherland, Book Reviewer

Book Review

White Doe

by Matt Sutherland

Phanopoeia, explained Ezra Pound, is “the throwing of an image on the mind’s retina” on the “visual imagination.” When she flits between wolves and space trash, glass eyes and does and “bruised skin of milk,” Maria Williams... Read More

Book Review

Archive of Style

by Matt Sutherland

Black lesbian feminist Cheryl Clarke’s five-decade poetry career accommodated a second pursuit—a little matter of changing the world to be a better place for Black women, the LGBTQ+ community, and the disenfranchised. A veteran of... Read More

Book Review

Tell This to the Universe

by Matt Sutherland

In whatever she does on the page, Katie Prince practices a subtle, omnipresent cadence of syllables so physically pleasing as to cause a blush. Linguistics, science fiction, philosophy, grief—polymathematician at ease—in this debut... Read More

Book Review

The Soul We Share

by Matt Sutherland

Wherever souls reside, all the rules of time and space, language and thought succumb to an older way of being—and that is where Ricky Ray hangs out with Addie, his old brown dog. An ecomystic animist, Ray’s work explores their... Read More

Book Review


by Matt Sutherland

The good poet’s body slowly leaves one sex for another and she wonders what else, if anything, will change—the Jewishness that influences so much of her world; the Holocaust memories of twelve murdered ancestors; love and sex; fear... Read More

Book Review

Yaguareté White

by Matt Sutherland

Moving through the ambiguities of language—English, Spanish, and Paraguay’s Indigenous Guaraní—the grin of a big cat shadowing his every unstealthy step through North and South American habitats and fixed ideas of manhood, Diego... Read More

Book Review

Sailing without Ahab

by Matt Sutherland

Herman Melville—mystic, orca oracle, and madness miner—left treasures of material for poets in Moby-Dick, and Steve Mentz found his muse in the idea of an Ahab-less Pequod—a multiracial, queer, and cruisier ship on a bountifully... Read More

Book Review

Santa Tarantula

by Matt Sutherland

Do perps read poetry? Is poetry’s perpose to take aim at the malevolence in all of us? Jordan Pérez would like a word with you. An expert in online safety and childhood sexual abuse prevention, she has been published in Poetry... Read More

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