Book Review
To what can we attribute a phobia? Is it a bad memory metastasized, or is extreme fear unrelated, or not always related, to memory? Furthermore, what exactly happens when we feel fear? Does the feeling of fear prompt the body to tighten...
Book Review
You Talkin' to Me?
A veritable language factory, New York City may very well deserve its preferred moniker of being the greatest city in the world, at least when it comes to its influence on the way that English is spoken. The telling fact is that New...
Book Review
Past Lives with Pets
Believers in reincarnation, or past lives, are members of a harmonious choir, to the great amusement of skeptics who roll their eyes in mocking ridicule. Even so, surveys show that more and more people are open to the notion that...
Book Review
No Bridges Blown
The four years of Nazi occupation from 1940 to 1944 surely rank as one of the most painful periods in France’s long history. Beyond the dread of having the Germans roll over the five-million-strong French army in six weeks, taking more...
Book Review
Just So
Certain renowned figures are difficult to characterize, a fact that speaks to their diverse interests, ingenuity, and unique ability to gain and maintain influence across large swaths of society. Brilliance helps, no doubt, but more...
Book Review
Why We Swim
Ten people drown every day in the US, one hundred around the world. Humans, the evidence shows, are not natural born swimmers. But swim we do. It’s the second most popular form of exercise in this country, behind walking. "Why We Swim"...
Book Review
The Incredible Journey of Plants
Silent and stationary, mired in dirt: such is life of plants. Not the most appropriate station for the entity primarily responsible for sustaining life on Earth. But humility reigns in the plant world, while we humans shovel on ever more...
Book Review
The Great Oklahoma Swindle
By hook or by crook, the Indigenous people living on the land now occupied by the United States lost ownership rights to their property over the course of centuries. Many were murdered; others were tricked. And, yes, a rare few sold...