Book Review
On the Mystery of Being
As science advances in its understanding of the universe, scientists must periodically let go of long-held preconceptions and replace them with new facts. Take our limited understanding of consciousness. Science doesn’t have a clue...
Book Review
Zen in Japanese Culture
The beeping, flashing, vibrating distractions of technology; densely populated city centers; brash displays of wealth and power among the elites; and societal inequality: such is life in the twenty-first century. Whether modern...
Book Review
It's a Numberful World
Math class is the stuff of nightmares. The unfortunate fact is that all too many youngsters fear their math teachers as much as the monster under the bed—or maybe those students imagine their math teachers under the bed all along....
Book Review
From What Is to What If
“Get real. Never gonna happen. That’s pie-in-the-sky bullshit. It’s too late to make a difference.” Yes, that’s the language of the cynic—always quick to shoot down the ideas of optimists and visionaries. Even in this age of...
Book Review
Stalin’s quip that “one death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic” gets to the essence of how we become numbed by the frequency of mass shootings. We simply can’t compute the magnitude of such horror, but to read about the...
Book Review
Meister Eckhart's Book of Secrets
Medieval Europe isn’t recognized for being particularly adventurous in spiritual matters. Dank monasteries, cavernous cathedrals, and plague pandemics seemed to stoicize the mind—though not in the case of Johannes Eckhart, a...
Book Review
Big Wonderful Thing
Ablaze in infamy and otherworldly as any heavenly planet, Texas is mythology come alive. This singular place is what happens when fiercely independent, prone-to-violence people are assimilated into a fledgling nation whose capital is so...
Book Review
Unforgettable Portraits
A wildlife photo brings to hand what rightfully belongs in the secretive haunts of untamed wilderness. The best of those photos capture an animal in its natural habitat acting true to its nature. And quite often, as voyeurs, we humans...