Book Review
Cancer and the New Biology of Water
Cancer statistics are grim: one in two men and one in three women will get the disease in their lifetime. Ever more frightening is that no one in the medical industry has a decent explanation for why the incidence of cancer has increased...
Book Review
How to Catch a Mole
Quantum physics recognizes that electrons behave differently when under observation—to be, or not to be a wave or a particle, depending on whether it’s being observed. And nature writing presents a similar situation because nature...
Book Review
Future Man
For all the legitimate criticism of men in general—from misogyny to housework-shirking, sexual harassment to racism-driven populist rage—the twenty-first century sure seems to be a perplexing time for the males of our species....
Book Review
War at Sea
Throughout the ages, humans have always found ingenious ways to kill each other, but a bloodletting milestone was surely reached when the great powers of the classical world—the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, et...
Book Review
Surrendered—The Sacred Art
Addiction is a disease. Let’s never categorize addictive behavior—abusing alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, pornography—as anything other than heartbreaking. Furthermore, with discipline and self-sufficiency so celebrated in the US,...
Book Review
Rilke in Paris
In 1902, at twenty-six, Rainer Maria Rilke visited Paris for the first time, drawn by his perception—he was not alone—of France as the consummate home of the artist. He sought out Auguste Rodin and, over the course of many years, the...
Book Review
Birth Strike
Upset at the cost of prenatal care, hospital deliveries, unpaid leave, and years of childcare? Imagine if all the eighteen- to forty-year-old women in the US simply refused to have babies. Do you think Washington and corporate America...
Book Review
The Salmon Way
The noble Pacific salmon—born in freshwater, coming of age in the ocean, back to streams and rivers to spawn and die—is so integral to the Alaskan psyche as to be family. In the broad expanses of our forty-ninth state, the return of...