Book Review
Green Hill
Something thoughtful this way comes—sensible, humble, and historically grounded. Lorna Knowles Blake’s "Green Hill" is reassurance of the poet’s essential duty to speak plainly and truthfully. Now the author of two collections...
Book Review
Blue Mistaken for Sky
When a poem causes you a wince of discomfort, chances are that it’s the poet who let down her defenses and revealed a psychic wound. Such vulnerability is powerful. You feel for the poet, and such feelings are what make us best as...
Book Review
Citizen Illegal
Our president would like us to believe Mexicans are rapists, Libyans are terrorists, and a wall on the southern border will solve all our problems. His goal is to dehumanize brown- and black-skinned people, and his millions of supporters...
Book Review
The Carrying
The vein of greatness that pulses through the work of Ada Limón is remarkably subtle, in the same way that beauty in a human isn’t a rote assemblage of chiseled noses, high cheekbones, and full lips. Her extraordinary poems act the...
Book Review
Paper Dolls
What the world needs is more whimsy. More collage with colored paper, pussy bows, peacock feathers, and sticky tape to keep the whole together. Yes, whimsy—in this case, in a picture book shape, featuring a preening poet playing make...
Book Review
House Is an Enigma
Gritty, raw, liberated, and twisted into lines of beauty, Emma Bolden’s melancholic realizations mostly relate to her body and her hysterectomy. With multiple collections and an assortment of works in publication, it is no surprise...
Book Review
Flyover Country
Inspired by his childhood on a dairy farm in Illinois, tales of rural life lead the way in this Austin Smith collection focused on family, violence, and memories. Smith left the Midwest to live in California, where he teaches at...
Book Review
Transaction Histories
Lush imagery, beckoning history, curious interactions, elusive dreams, and existential questions fuse in this prose poetry collection, the fifth by Donna Stonecipher. She resides in Berlin and translates from both French and German....