Book Review
How to prepare for this collection? Pick your teeth with an axe after chewing on some freshly split ash. Carly Joy Miller is relentless. She doesn’t want you to breathe normally. Her lines resemble piano wire around the neck of a scary...
Book Review
Otherworld, Underworld, Prayer Porch
That there’s such a stratospherically high level of difficulty in writing great poetry doesn’t get discussed much, probably out of superstition and a belief among poets that, after Homer’s singular brilliance, the gods disabled the...
Book Review
She Used to Be on a Milk Carton
The arrival of a new poet doesn’t cause stars to wobble or birds to fall from trees—as far as we know—but heads do turn and the inevitable sizing up begins immediately. Kailey Tedesco, help yourself to a glass of bubbly, you are...
Book Review
Fable of the Pack-Saddle Child
Like angels and unicorns, fables have made themselves scarce of late, but leave it to the land and language of magic realism to bring forth a bona fide specimen. A gorgeously illustrated, book-length poem of masterful prose, there’s...
Book Review
Long stretches of hunger, sleep deprivation, filth, fear-filled nights under bridges, and the accompanying existential questions will leave a mark on a man, and his poetry. Kai Carlson-Wee lays it out there in this shy, wistful,...
Book Review
The Light of What Comes After
Curiosity skilled the poet. Seemingly unwilling to rein in her interests, Jen Town’s sense of wonder and delight with what catches her attention is infectious. Her work has lit up the pages of Epoch, Crab Orchard Review, Third Coast,...
Book Review
Inspiration. Elusive stuff. Find it where you can—ideally, not from a bottle. Robert Eastwood found it Dante’s Purgatorio, and went so far as to use the Italian master’s three-line stanzas. Consider us impressed. Twice a Pushcart...
Book Review
Priest Turned Therapist Treats Fear of God
Good poets seem to recognize that what makes them good is what annoys them most about themselves. Damn the constant chatter—enough already!—but yes, admittedly, there’s some workable stuff in there. A masterful sifter, Tony...