Book Review
Site of Disappearance
Sometimes the muse makes a big ask. Revisit the death of a brother, for example, and explore how that painful memory gathers momentum as one’s own son comes of age. Muses, Erin Malone knows, are expert button pushers. A Coniston Prize...
Book Review
Wild Grace
We can never be quite sure what powers a poet draws upon, where exactly she gets her mojo. Chelan Harkin discovered it the hard way: at the bottom-most point of mental and emotional suffering she was mystically blessed with creative...
Book Review
Between. Not here, not there. Not this, or that. Somewhere but not someplace. Not easy to put your, wrap your, place your—but confidence, and masterful touch with language, is what makes Esteban Rodríguez a credible, incredible even,...
Book Review
Each Luminous Thing
Care, from carry: as happens mysteriously in utero; from what was once her single-selfed existence, the poet assumes the burdens of maternity—a carrier‘s nine-month care package that stretches into motherhood and beyond. In "Each...
Book Review
A relationship advice podcaster advocating “just break up,” Sierra DeMulder champions the value of those things that exist only briefly: love, life—“every poem is about death / when you are reading to the dying”—music,...
Book Review
Flare, Corona
Edginess, unsettlement, a sense of foreboding: what weather can come to bear and a skillful poet with some thoughts on mortality to share. Jeannine Hall Gailey’s ability to turn it up—or down, thankfully—is what makes reading her...
Book Review
Heavy Is the Head
Black women poets matter in ways that poets of other races and ethnicities can’t: “Black girl must write poetry so other black girls can relate.” That Black girl poetry readers matter … do you understand? This debut collection...
Book Review
What to Count
Sound. Alise Alousi sounds her words to arrive as cadence, as music, as magic. Sounds easy, until you realize how large her collection of eye teeth would be if she traded her secret with other poets. A Kresge Literary Arts Fellow and the...