Book Review
Dear Excavator
In this debut collection, Evan D. Williams tees up more than twenty new poems and a further two dozen that first appeared in journals like Borderlands and The Mud Season Review. THE POETS the poets write their words for their legs to...
Book Review
Bone Rosary
Giddy with reverence for a master, this page is honored to call attention to this best-of collection—featuring 140 poems from Thomas Lynch’s five previous books, along with forty-three new works. A former undertaker taken to...
Book Review
While the rest of us mumble, look away, and generally avoid matters of consequence, poets seek no such cover. Indeed, Heather Altfeld and others of her inquisitive ilk lead the interrogation of a mad world. Winner of the Pablo Neruda...
Book Review
Flying through a Hole in the Storm
It is easy to forget that only the rarest of people have something interesting to say about themselves. But Fleda Brown proves a mesmerizing exception—anything she cares to share is manna for our deepest needs. Brown is the author of...
Book Review
Mere Extinction
Upon learning of her adaptive scriptwriting accomplishments, we can fix the explanation for Evie Christie’s complex use of motivation, conflict, pathos, and trauma—humanity’s theater writ large in her work. That she does it with...
Book Review
Eclogues in a Mustard Seed Garden
In the age of pandemic, poetry refuses to budge in its commitment to hospitality for all, and with "Eclogues in a Mustard Seed Garden", gleeful Glenn Mott arrives with a quiver of eclogues, couplets, Zen epigrams, and you-name-it...
Book Review
In the days before the 2020 presidential election, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote that “Facebook and Twitter have become giant engines for destroying the two pillars of our democracy—truth and trust.” These social...
Book Review
Embodied Healing
Chiropractors and massage therapists stay in demand because they know how stress is held in the backs, necks, and shoulders of their patients. Fortunately, with some manipulation, those aches and knots can usually be relieved. But...