Book Review
Dark Waters
Goff combines cultural detail, rich geographic description, and countless plot twists to create an engaging and satisfying thriller. "Dark Waters" is the first thriller in a planned series by award-winning mystery author Chris Goff....
Book Review
The Accidental Art Thief
An uncomplicated plot and even pacing allow the understated beauty of the language and deep-feeling characters to shine. "The Accidental Art Thief", by Joan Schweighardt, is the delightful story of a woman in her middle years forced to...
Book Review
Death in Veracruz
Journalism and politics in a 1970s Mexico replete with petro dollars, corruption, and murder of the voiceless. "Death in Veracruz" is the first of Mexican journalist Héctor Aguilar Camín’s novels to be translated into English. First...
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