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  3. Paige Van De Winkle

Paige Van De Winkle, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

The Worry Trick

by Paige Van De Winkle

"The Worry Trick" is an energetic and illuminating self-help book for anyone who struggles with worrying too much. The Worry Trick, written by David A. Carbonell and narrated in audiobook format by Stephen Paul Aulridge, Jr., offers an... Read More

Book Review

Water Tossing Boulders

by Paige Van De Winkle

Aptly resonant, this story of a family’s struggle against segregation is both artful and important. An intriguing account of the historical complexity of race relations, "Water Tossing Boulders" features nuanced characterizations, a... Read More

Book Review

A Place for Miss Snow

by Paige Van De Winkle

It’s freedom or death—or love or death—for the characters in this engrossing historical romance. Jennifer Moore’s "A Place for Miss Snow" is a sweet and engrossing romance set against the Greek fight for independence. The... Read More

Book Review

Who is Jeb!!!

by Paige Van De Winkle

A sardonic tone and plenty of statistics are used in this work that argues, most emphatically, against electing another Bush. Patrick Andendall’s journalistic and revealing biography "Who is Jeb!!!" paints a disturbing portrait of... Read More

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