Book Review
Specific Impulse
by Pat Avery
Jake Sabio executes a running tackle on Dr. Carin Gonzalez, throwing her to the ground. A thunderous explosion at Barringer Meteor Crater fills the air. Space scientist Gonzalez is furious at her rude introduction to Sabio, a former...
Book Review
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
by Pat Avery
In "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye", Dr. D. Bruce Foster sets his story in a typical hospital emergency department filled with chaos, intensity, life-and-death decisions, and the bureaucracy that can take its toll on staff members. As the main...
Book Review
Jus Tuf Luk
by Pat Avery
In Jus Tuf Luk: A Life in the American Century, author Jerry T. Lewis takes the reader from the birth of his parents in the late 1800s to his own birth in 1929 and through to the present time. Though he tells his story in the third...
Book Review
Rinse Cycle
by Pat Avery
“Unemployment, a blighted career, a failed marriage, venereal disease, the hysterectomy, a shrunken social calendar. Besides happy endings, she lacked middles. Like the knitting project she had taken up last winter, she had only...
Book Review
George Washington’s Smallest Army
by Pat Avery
And then all at once, like a big bolt of lightning, it struck George that the owl had talked to him!…The owl sounded exactly like a frog, and anyone passing by would think so too. George grew up at Miller’s Pond. From his tadpole...
Book Review
Mad Men
by Pat Avery
Just two years earlier, Randall had three cars, lived in a million dollar house off a golf course, and didn’t have a financial care in the world. Now he lived in a studio apartment with barely one car and no job. His wife had just left...
Book Review
An Apostle Thru Time
by Pat Avery
“The Ground of Being is a simple timeless awareness. God has always been and always will be…The Universe is an everlasting succession of events, but its ground is the timeless now of the Divine Spirit.” Matt Moreau struggles to...
Book Review
Soldiers Just Like You
by Pat Avery
Author Kelly J. O’Grady puts faces and personalities to individual soldiers in this historical novel that is based on the true story of the 54th Massachusetts, the Union’s first Negro unit of the Civil War. On a stage in...