Book Review
The Eden Prescription
What if there was a sophisticated cocktail of nutritional supplements and Chinese herbs, that could cure most, if not all cancers? A cocktail that had no significant side effects, was inexpensive, and dramatically outperformed every...
Book Review
As We Cherish
For Sahana Jayaraman, a New-Jersey high-school freshman, having a saint-like great-grandfather, meant much more to her than it might for a typical teenager. As an Indian-American, she deeply respects the culture, history, and spiritual...
Book Review
Antiaging 101
Nearly everyone wants to live a long, happy and healthy life, but most people aren’t willing or able to develop the discipline necessary to achieve dynamic longevity. Dr. Frank Comstock has successfully addressed this elusive dilemma...
Book Review
Carlos the Impossible
One of the lesser recognized attributes of a novella is the small investment of time needed to dive in, devour, and then be done. If it’s not memorable, no big deal, the experience took less than an hour. But if the short novel is...
Book Review
Hey Men, Listen Up!
In these harried, post-modern times, when getting accurate answers to straightforward questions sometimes seems impossible, it’s a treat to find an easy to read, high quality little book on an awkward subject. "Hey Men, Listen Up!" is...
Book Review
If Not Me, Then Who?
Superlatives seem so ubiquitous, over the top and meaningless of late that they’ve lost much of their power to impress and engage. So, when a book of exceptional quality comes along, as is the case with If Not Me, Then Who?, to...
Book Review
Who Am I?
As an easy-to-read primer for those with little background in biblical symbolism or new age teachings on oneness and ego transcendence, this book is ideal. Craig Mooneyham, a former junior minister and Bible student, appears to have an...
Book Review
Jamais Vu
“I am tired,” Susan Kay writes in an excerpt from her 2008 journal, “tired of my religion, of church, of all my personal and interpersonal dysfunctions. I want to have a wider swath of life…The stale odor of my confinement is...