Sarah Stewart, Book Reviewer

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Book Review


by Sarah Stewart

"Memorentia" is constantly surprising and thus thoroughly entertaining. It would be hard to find a person who hasn’t looked back on the mistakes of his life, both real and perceived, and wondered how he could atone for them.... Read More

Book Review

Woman in Darkness

by Sarah Stewart

Martín explores without judgment the lives of men for whom infidelity is a given and pleasure paramount, showing both the bad and good sides of their souls. How much can we ever really know about the people we are closest to? And when... Read More

Book Review

In the Greenhouse

by Sarah Stewart

In this fictional memoir, Podovinikoff crafts a humane portrait of a stigmatized and misunderstood group, the Doukhobor. Intimate, revealing, and educational, In the Greenhouse: A Doukhobor Story of the 60s through the Eyes of the 80s,... Read More

Book Review

The Blue Folio

by Sarah Stewart

Near-future Washington intrigue, pitting corporate power against government, seems ripped from tomorrow’s headlines. In "The Blue Folio", Matt McMahon crafts a near-future political struggle so compelling and realistic that it’s easy... Read More

Book Review

A Bonafide Detective

by Sarah Stewart

This satisfyingly different book contains tons of twists and a folkloric, young-adult-driven plot. Tim Twombly’s "A Bonafide Detective" is a fun, if head-spinning, escapist read. Dewey “Doc” Ruggles, who claims to be the... Read More

Book Review

The Bubble Kids

by Sarah Stewart

"The Bubble Kids" adds much-needed context to lives that could very well parallel those featured in blood-soaked headlines. A compelling and hopeful young adult novel that reinforces the universality of the bonds of friendship, love, and... Read More

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