Book Review
The Power of Conscious Connection
"The Power of Conscious Connection" is an uplifting leadership guidebook about nurturing habits and skills to attain business-oriented enlightenment. CEO Talia Fox’s helpful guidebook "The Power of Conscious Connection" enumerates four...
Book Review
The Relationship Upgrade
"The Relationship Upgrade" addresses common challenges to adult relationships with sensible recommendations for overcoming them. Registered clinical counselor Aditi Jasra’s informative self-help book "The Relationship Upgrade" includes...
Book Review
Run like Hell
"Run like Hell" is an illuminating self-help book for those healing from abusive relationships. Nadine Macaluso’s self-help book "Run like Hell" concerns the specific problems that women face in and out of abusive relationships, naming...
Book Review
The Year My Life Turned Upside Down
Told in the form of a fourteen-year-old’s diary, Stéphanie Lapointe’s stimulating bildungsroman "The Year My Life Turned Upside Down" is about grief and change. Franny’s mother died in a boating accident years ago. When her father...
Book Review
The Informational Interview Playbook
A structured workbook, "The Informational Interview Playbook" lays out all the steps to securing and acing informational interviews. Sports agency founder Henry Organ’s frank business book delivers advice for landing, and succeeding...
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