Book Review
Reduced Reflections
Most collections of quotations are compilations of a variety of notable people’s statements on diverse subjects. "Reduced Reflections" is entirely the work of Tan Kheng Yeang and is a delight to read. Yeang arranges his topics in...
Book Review
The Science of the Quran
In Western culture, the rift between science and scripture has often been contentious. During the Renaissance, when the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo directly challenged the science of the Bible, the dichotomy became seemingly...
Book Review
Angels Along the River
"Angels Along the River" is a telling indication of how much impact reading can have on a person’s life. After reading James Alexander Thom’s historical novel *Follow the River—*the tale of Mary Draper Ingles’ escape from the...
Book Review
The Nature of Negative Numbers
In his book "The Nature of Negative Numbers", Peter Erickson argues that the real number system, although “broadly accepted,” is deficient mainly because of its ambiguities. In algebra the plus symbol (+) can be interpreted in two...
Book Review
The Bible and the Principles of Yin and Yang
Biblical commentary usually occurs within a Christian context. In "The Bible and the Principles of Yin and Yang", Franklin Hum Yun interprets Christian beliefs through the complementary forces of yin and yang and the venerable I Ching,...
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