Book Review
“Steady, consistent, regular and planned purchases of a slice of America are what will make you rich.” Going against the current financial wisdom, which today seems to recommend either a complete lifestyle overhaul as the key to...
Book Review
Eyeball Wars
The hottest industry on the planet? It’s hard not to think so when traditional print and electronic media are a-buzz with the latest happening. This uneasy symbiosis between the old guard and the upstarts is often news in...
Book Review
The 50 Best (and Worst) Business Deals of All Time
With everyone from teenagers to senior citizens playing the stock market from their home computers, it is easy to see that business wheeling and dealing is no longer just for high-powered men in suits working out of glass-and-steel...
Book Review
Creative Selling
Ever heard someone described as a “born salesperson”? According to the author, who has more than thirty years of sales experience, a truly successful salesperson is made, not born. With one key technique, documented thoroughly in...
Book Review
Leadership and Self-Deception
“Boy, is he delusional.” Many people have probably made a similar remark, but isn’t it all too easy to look at others and diagnose their shortcomings and failures? If only these others would get out of the way life would be a...
Book Review
Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul
Most people are familiar with “Chicken Soup” for the various “Souls.” This audiobook recorded for family enjoyment does not disappoint, except perhaps by the fact that it is too short. One cassette may not be enough to take along...
Book Review
Powerful Planning Skills
An anonymous quote opens this book and succinctly summarizes why Powerful Planning Skills will prove useful: “To do great, two things are necessary: a plan and not quite enough time.” This book is for those who suffer from the latter...
Book Review
Persuading Aristotle
Because speaking before an audience is only slightly less painful for most people than death, there is always room for a book that provides sensible guidance for the public speaking-challenged. Persuading Aristotle goes back, way back,...