Book Review
Anticipation Day
by Willem Marx
Simulated escapes are forwarded as a government incentive for people to live healthier lives in the cerebral science fiction novel "Anticipation Day". In Jeff Michelson’s visionary science fiction novel "Anticipation Day", innovations...
Book Review
Adrenaline Rush
by Willem Marx
Adrenaline Rush: Pain Games is a complex soldier’s story set during the Iraq War. Bevin Goldsmith’s intense military novel Adrenaline Rush: Pain Games follows a guarded military officer through the accomplishments, failures, and...
Book Review
Searching for Memory
by Willem Marx
A sensitive exploration of Brazilian history and the boundaries of biographical writing, Jacob Blanc’s collaborative book reconstructs the life of human rights activist and former militant Aluízio Palmar. Born in rural Brazil, Palmar...
Book Review
A Perfect Turmoil
by Willem Marx
Alex Green’s fascinating book reconstructs the life and legacy of Walter E. Fernald, a polarizing architect in the US’s treatment of the mentally disabled. A physician from Maine who established and influenced institutions across the...
Book Review
Audrey Hepburn
by Willem Marx
Tom Santopietro’s reverent biography of Audrey Hepburn illustrates how the scion of an impoverished aristocratic family went from starving in Nazi-occupied Europe to becoming a legendary actress, fashion icon, and humanitarian...
Book Review
Dr. Koop
by Willem Marx
Nigel M. de S. Cameron’s biography of Ronald Reagan’s larger-than-life surgeon general, Charles Everett Koop, reveals a complex figure caught between public health policies, religious convictions, and family struggles. Born in...
Book Review
Accidental Tyrant
by Willem Marx
A forensic reconstruction of the life of North Korea’s founding dictator, Kim Il-sung, Fyodor Tertitskiy’s "Accidental Tyrant" covers the regime that has dominated North Korea for seventy-nine years. A man of many names, the...
Book Review
Two-Comma Wealth
by Willem Marx
"Two-Comma Wealth" is a holistic money management guide for those with multimillion-dollar net worths. A millionaire’s guide to investment and wealth management, George Stefanou’s "Two-Comma Wealth" delineates the emotional, fiscal,...